Waikato Journal of Education

How to Cite

Hancock, A. (2023). Ki Te Ao Mārama: Experiences of Māori inclusion in English-Medium schools. Teachers and Curriculum, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.15663/tandc.v23i1.422


Through the creation of a mātauranga Māori framework, termed Te Kūnenga, this review has investigated how Māori teachers and Māori students have experienced inclusion in English-medium schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. Reviewed literature included qualitative published research and government reports from 20042022, when Ministry-led initiatives and policies focused on supporting Māori to achieve success as Māori, an era I have termed Te Ao Mārama. The findings of this review show that Māori exclusion in schools continues to persist, particularly for kaiako Māori. The findings in this review identify the need for further research into the intersectionality of Māori identities and experiences in primary and secondary English-medium schools. Furthermore, this review emphasises the importance of biculturalism in English-medium schools and the inclusion and belonging of Māori to academic success.


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