Waikato Journal of Education



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Rodriguez-Valls, F. (2016). Pedagogy of the immigrant: A journey towards inclusive classrooms. Teachers and Curriculum, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.15663/tandc.v16i1.116


In the past two years, migration has been on the front page of newspapers around the world. In the United States alone, the most current data shows that there are close to one million immigrant students. These students face challenges such as high mobility and anonymity. Moreover, immigrant students have specific needs that must be understood, identified, and addressed by educators working with and learning from immigrant students and their families. In this article, I reflect about my experiences as an immigrant teacher, teacher of immigrant students, and faculty working in Teacher Education Programs. Through this reflection, I suggest teaching credential/initial teacher education programs must require future educators to analyse how mobility and anonymity, among other factors, impact immigrant students’ learning practices. I conclude by providing recommendations and guidance when developing fully inclusive programs in both PreK-12/compulsory education school sites as well as in institutions of higher education.


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